Post Date : May 08, 2012 13:30:22 | Usually ships in 24 hours
What a plush place for your little bunny to snuggle into! The softest of fabrics surround baby as she gazes at herself in the mirror on the motorized mobile and watches birdie friends fly by. A variety of music and motion soothes and engages her, along with a little plush bunny friend to keep her company. This swing has a choice of three different positions, each one easy to convert to. It folds for storage and portability and features a plug-in option that saves money on batteries.
- Soothing music and alternate swinging motions help calm baby and promotes a sense of security
- Choice of three positions in one swing-variety for baby and convenience when you want baby facing you
- Easy to convert from one position to another
- Folds for storage and portability
- Plug-in option saves money on batteries